Church at Viera,
The NEXT UP initiative will create more space for our Children and Student Ministries as well as our hospitality experience. This initiative is Church at Viera’s next step towards reaching our vision of equipping thousands to influence tens of thousands in Brevard County and beyond.
Church at Viera has seen God’s faithfulness over the past 30 years when we’ve trusted Him with the details of what lies ahead. We call those moments Faith Steps. From the days of Suntree Baptist Chapel to the small beginnings of Church at Viera at our current location, all the way to where we are as a church today, we have seen God do amazing things.
We recognize that God has planted us in a growing community. Our next Faith Step as a church is to invest deeply in the younger generation. To do so, we need to expand our Family Ministry areas so that we can reach more families for Christ. The NEXT UP initiative will support our overarching mission:
To share grace with everyone and see Christ change lives.
Church at Viera's Faith Step Journey
The Next Up Initiative will be enlarging our influence in the environments of both Family Ministry and Guest Services by:
- Enhancing our Student and Children’s Ministry environments, allowing an expansion spanning 2 stories, which would result in an average capacity increase of approximately 60% in Student and Children’s Ministry.
- Enhancing our Hospitality environment in a way that will enlarge our storage space, upgrade menu offerings, increase capacity, and overall, create an environment more suited to serve our guests on campus.
- Creating a more convenient and accessible space that is engaging and welcoming for overflow during weekend services.
NEXT UP is Church at Viera’s next bold faith step. It will deepen our faith and trust in God while impacting future generations. Ultimately, we are launching the NEXT UP initiative because we believe the most important investment we can make is in the next generation.
Why now?
God has planted Church at Viera in the middle of a fast growing community and we are bursting at the seams in our current space. Students are meeting in closets and our family ministry “small” groups are no longer small. NEXT UP will allow us to enhance these environments making them better suited for discipleship as well as allowing us to be better suited to serve our growing community.
How much will it cost?
We expect this building project to cost 4 million dollars. However, because of your generosity and faithfulness, we’ve already raised $1 million of the $4 million we need. Our plan is to raise an additional 3 million dollars over the next 2 years through the NEXT UP campaign.
How can I give?
Giving is an act of worship that does not solely take place in a “worship service.” While a majority of those that give will do so from their income, others may have the ability or desire to give from their wealth. You can give online and in person via check or cash. However, we are also prepared to accept non-cash or non-traditional gifts such as publicly-traded stocks, cryptocurrency, and in some cases, real and personal property.
When will the NEXT UP expansion be completed?
We hope to begin building this summer (2022) and are scheduled to complete the project and take occupancy sometime between August 2023 and December of 2023.
How can I learn more?
Stop by the NEXT UP Kiosk in the lobby or email NEXTUP@churchatviera.com