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Who We Are

Our mission is to share grace with everyone and see Christ change lives.


In Christ

We are loved by Him, we find our identity in Him, and are powerless without Him. 

Under Scripture

We submit to the authoritative, trustworthy, unchanging Word of God.


We do life together through small groups, fellowship, study, support and accountability to grow in Christ.

Share the Gospel

We tell those around us about Jesus and invite them to know Him. 

With Grace

We give grace to each other as we authentically pursue life change in Christ.

And Generosity

We joyfully release what we have to the purposes of God.

Through Discipleship

We equip others to make disciples that make disciples.

Our Vision

Our vision is to equip thousands to become influencers for Christ so that we can impact tens of thousands in Central Brevard and beyond in the years to come.


When you join our community of faithful believers, you’re joining a movement of people who have been seeking to see Christ change lives in our community since 1987. Join us as we seek God’s will for our lives and move forward where He is calling us.

Began meeting as Suntree Baptist Chapel in Suntree
Relaunched as Church at Viera with Mark Ragsdale as lead pastor
Built our Murrell Road facility – 380 people attended grand opening services
Purchased 30 acres on Wickham Road and Stadium Parkway
Relocated to current location
Build out our 30 acre site with facilities which will enable us to expand our ministries to thousands in our area.


Began meeting as Suntree Baptist Chapel in Suntree


Relaunched as Church at Viera with Mark Ragsdale as lead pastor


Built our Murrell Road facility – 380 people attended grand opening services


Purchased 30 acres on Wickham Road and Stadium Parkway


Relocated to current location


Build out our 30 acre site with facilities which will enable us to expand our ministries to thousands in our area.


There is one God

We believe that there is one God, manifested in three persons, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. 

Genesis 1:26; Matt 28:19-20; 2 Cor 13:14

Jesus is the Son of God

We believe that Jesus is the one and only Son of God, was born of a virgin, is wholly God and wholly man, lived a sinless life, died as a substitutionary sacrifice for the sins of mankind, was buried, arose from the grave and ascended into Heaven. 

John 1:14; 3:16; Matt 4; Luke 4; Heb 4:15; 2 Cor 5:21

Jesus Christ will Return

We believe in the literal, bodily return of Jesus Christ to earth. 

Rev 19

We are made in His image

We believe that man is a special creation of God, made in His image.

Gen 1:26-27

The fall of man

We believe that mankind fell through the sin of the first man, Adam, and that all people are sinners in need of salvation. 

Gen 3:15; Rom 5:12-15

Salvation is a gift from God

We believe that salvation is a gift of grace from God, received through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. 

Rom 6:23; Titus 3:5; Eph 2:8-9; John 1:12

Every person who is saved is secure

We believe that every person who truly is saved is eternally secure in the Lord Jesus Christ. 

John 10:28-30; Eph 1:13-14; Heb 7:25; 10:10,14

Heaven and Hell

We believe that those persons who die without faith in Jesus Christ spend eternity in Hell and those persons who die with their sins forgiven, through faith in Christ, spend eternity in Heaven. 

John 3:16; Rev 20:14-15

Water Baptism

We believe that water baptism is in obedience to the command of Christ and is by immersion after salvation. 

Rom 6:3-10

The local church

We believe that the local church is the local body of baptized believers with the Lord Jesus Christ as the head. 

Eph 1:22-23

Direct Access

We believe that each believer has direct access to God through the Lord Jesus Christ and the Bible, God’s Word. 

1 Tim 2:5-6; Heb 10:19-26

God and government

We believe in the separation of church and state, but not in the separation of God and government. 

1 Peter 2:13-17

The Bible

We believe that the Bible is the Word of God without any error, the sole authority for life.

2 Tim 3:16-17; 2 Peter 1:20-21


Meet the Church at Viera team

Mark Ragsdale

Lead Pastor

Clint Nowery

Executive Pastor

John Leathers

Groups Pastor

Brandon Rieb

Family Pastor

Carrie Thompson

Director of Impact

Patrick Cottrell

Operations Director

Lisa MacFarland

Lead Pastor Assistant/Finance Director

Barbara Heaps

Front Desk/Assimilation

Holly Carden

Executive Pastor Assistant

Harmony Charters

Groups Ministries Director

Chris Abad

Groups Ministries Coordinator

Maddie Balsitis

Student Ministry Crew Associate Director

Charissa Brown

CAV Kids Preschool Director

Mykki Cornelius

CAV Kids Preschool Coordinator

Tracy Glidden

CAV Kids Elementary Director

Michael Guerrero

CAV Kids Production Coordinator

Carrie Jackson

CAV Weekday Preschool Director

Corissa Meads

CAV Kids Small Group Coordinator

Courtney Taylor

High School Coordinator

Scott Taylor

Student Ministry Director

Natalie Osburn

Guest Services Director

Tracy Buck

Impact Coordinator

Jonmark Ragsdale

Service Programming Director

Gavin Keith

Production Coordinator

Matt Page

Facilities Director

Mike Cazessus

Facilities Assistant

Michael Hawkins

Facilities Tech

Daniel Foster

Production Intern

Sam Henry

Production Intern

Briegan Novak

Student Ministry Intern

Jadon Riley

Student Ministry Intern

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