FOR 321
As a church, we know that we can make a huge impact here in the 321. Ultimately, we are for the community because God is for them. We are asking each one of you to prepare to give $50 during FOR 321 and to be ready to serve our community. 100% will be given back to the community. We can’t wait for February 16 when we launch FOR 321 and we encourage you to be a part of it!
February 16
Launch Give
Your giving supports our nonprofit Local Partners:
Agape Women's CenterApartment LifeCITA/Helen's HouseEndeavour ElementaryFamily Promise of BrevardNew Life MissionMatthew's Hope
February 23
Launch Serve
Help us provide and care for our community in unique and tangible ways. We want the communities around our campus to know we are FOR them!
Feb 17-Mar 23
Family Promise
Supplies for Families
Feb 17-Mar 23
Canaveral Port Ministry
Seafarers Snacks
March 1
New Life Mission
Campus Clean Up
March 1
Apartment Life
Community Yard Sale
March 1
Matthew’s Hope Ministries
Campus Clean Up
March 1
Kids Against Hunger
Food Packing
March 1
Endeavour Elementary
Join the Team/Learn to Serve
March 4 & 11
Moms in Prayer
Mothers’ Prayer Gathering
March 4
Moms in Prayer
Preschool Mothers Prayer Gathering
March 8
Endeavour Elementary
Family Spring Festival
March 8
Endeavour Elementary
Prayer Walk
March 8
CITA Rescue Mission
March 8
Assemble Easter Baskets
March 13
Family Promise
Organizing & Transporting Supplies
March 15
Helen’s House
Brunch & Bingo
March 15
CAV Buddies
Field Day
March 15
Family Promise
Support Event
March 19
Matthew’s Hope Ministry
CAV Young Adults Making Sandwiches
March 22
Serving Veterans